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You’re Not Alone: Living With Alzheimer’s Disease

Get The Legal Help You Need

Over five million people are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease in the United States. It is estimated that between 500,000 and a million people will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia each year over the next few years. As the population of seniors over the age of 65 grows, so will the number of Alzheimer’s cases. If you or a loved one was recently diagnosed, you need information not just about the impact on your health and cognitive ability but also on important legal protections.

Our Free Book Provides the Answers You Need

When you fill out the form on this page to receive your free copy of our invaluable book, You’re Not Alone: Living with Alzheimer’s Disease, you will take the first step towards empowering yourself with the information you need to prepare for what is to come. Our free guide will tell you:

  • How to legally protect yourself, your assets, and your property
  • Why you need a Power of Attorney and how to choose your decision-makers
  • How to plan for the things that matter the most, such as your beloved pets
  • What your options are for finding caregivers and quality care facilities
  • Much more!
Living with Alzheimer's Disease | Lancaster, OH 43130 | Jarvis Law Office

At the time of your diagnosis, your doctor probably provided you with information about the physical and mental toll Alzheimer’s takes on those with the disease and their loved ones. When you read this free book, you will also get information about the legal implications of losing cognitive function and why it’s so important to act sooner rather than later.

Request Your Free Copy of This Valuable Resource

If you have just received the devastating news of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, you have time to talk to your loved ones and process the news. However, we encourage you not to wait too long to speak with an attorney about the best ways to honor your healthcare wishes, protect your assets, and provide for your loved ones. As a first step, we suggest you order this free book. Simply complete the form below to request You’re Not Alone: Living with Alzheimer’s Disease, and we’ll get it out to you right away!

Fill Out the Form Below

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